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Idaho Demolay

Building Tomorrow's Leaders Today

What is DeMolay

DeMolay is the premier international youth leadership organization, which strives to shape young men between the ages of 12 and 21 into leaders of character.  DeMolay is an inclusive organization where a high level of involvement and enthusiasm is considered far more important than any particular skill or ability.


Become an Honorary DeMolay

Idaho DeMolay turns 100 years old in January of 2021.  To celebrate this occasion, we are inviting all Masons in Idaho to become honorary DeMolays and receive the degrees of a DeMolay from the young men of Idaho
DeMolay.  Complete your petition today and become part of the Honorary Centennial Chapter!


Officers & Staff

Each young man takes ownership of his DeMolay experience.  Both Chapter-level and State-level officers are chosen by election by the members.  These officers are supported by Advisors selected from the local community.


The DeMolay journey begins with the chapter, each a unique experience built around the same high values and leadership opportunities that have set DeMolay apart since its inception. 



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Contact uS

© 2019.  Idaho DeMolay.

Executive Officer, Chad Smith


Tel: (509) 240-5493


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